Food Services

P- EBT QUESTIONS PLEASE GO TO: DHS Customer Service 484-363-2137 After the middle of MAY. No benefits will be issued any earlier than the middle of May 2021
3.24.21 What resources are available for families to learn more about P-EBT?
The federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act of 2020 provided temporary benefits, referred to as P-EBT, to families of school-aged children who would have received free or reduced-priced meals through the USDA National School Lunch Program (NSLP) if school had not been affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. These benefits were issued in late Spring/Summer of 2020. A second issuance of P-EBT was authorized by Congress for the 2020-2021 school year.
This second issuance will provide the equivalent monetary amount for school breakfast, lunch, and snack to families of students who are enrolled in schools participating in the NSLP but are not attending in person due to COVID-19. For the issuance this school year, Pennsylvania will distribute benefits to about 928,000 children – for a total distribution of about $1 billion.
P-EBT benefits are only available to students who are eligible for free and reduced-price school meals or attend a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school, enrolled in a school which participates in the NSLP, and for school days the eligible student was/is not receiving in-person instruction (school closures, virtual/remote instruction, absences, quarantine, etc.). The USDA has approved a simplifying assumption that allows Pennsylvania to issue a standard partial benefit amount across the state for students that were/are both in person and virtual (blended). ALL STUDENTS ACTIVELY ENROLLED IN WHSD SCHOOLS WILL RECEIVE BENEFITS. If you receive P-EBT benefits for your child and do not wish to participate, simply destroy and throw away the card.
When will P-EBT benefits be issued to families?
Benefits will be issued in three separate stages:
Benefits for September – November 2020: Issued late Spring 2021
Benefits for December 2020 – February 2021: Issued in second and third week of June 2021
Benefits for March – May 2021: Issued in third and fourth week of July 2021
Children whose families already receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits will receive the PEBT benefits on the household’s regular EBT card, if possible. Otherwise, students will receive a new P-EBT card in the eligible student’s name.
Each eligible student will be mailed a letter detailing P-EBT. This letter is a separate mailing from the card. The letter will be mailed in the student’s name to the address provided for the primary parent/guardian. The letter will explain what the P-EBT card is, where and how to use the card, how to create a PIN for the card, what items are eligible for purchase with the card, and who to contact with questions.
Children whose families already receive SNAP or TANF benefits will receive P-EBT benefits on the household’s regular EBT card, if possible. Parents can check card balances at or calling 1-888-328-7366.
This mailing will be coming from Texas in a non-descript white envelope.
How much will each eligible student receive?
Students will receive funds for each day they were not attending school in person. This will range from 0-180 school days. Benefits will be issued based on September 2020 – May 2021, using an average of 20 school days/month (9 months x 20 days = 180 days).
The USDA has approved a simplifying assumption that allows Pennsylvania to issue a partial standard benefit for all students in a blended learning model (in-person and virtual).
The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) will calculate the benefits each student will receive.
Students are only eligible for P-EBT benefits on days they were not receiving in person instruction. The level of in-person instruction a student received/s will be generalized into three categories for each respective month September 2020 – May 2021:
In-person learning (100%) = NO BENEFITS
Virtual learning (100%) = RECEIVES 100 % BENEFITS
The students who attended virtual classes or were not in-person 100% of the month (every school day). Students in this category will receive full benefits for the respective month.
Blended (both in-person and virtual) RECEIVES 65% BENEFITS
Students who were “Blended” or HYBRID are the students who received a combination of in-person and virtual/remote instruction during the month. Examples include, but are not limited to: • The student was neither 100% in-person nor 100% virtual/remote (including absences) in the respective month. • The student had some in-person days and some virtual/remote days. • The student was scheduled to be in-person but had absences or could not attend school due to being quarantined, virtual/remote snow days, etc. Students in this category will receive a standard partial benefit. For the months of September 2020 – February 2021 (first and second issuance stages), the benefit level will be 65%.
Children with Disabilities and Special Dietary Needs
If your child has a food allergy or specific dietary need that requires an accommodation you must complete a Medical Plan of Care Form in order for a reasonable accommodation to be made by the federal school meal program. Please note that the Department of Education REQUIRES a doctor's signature in order to accommodate an alternative option for the stated dietary need or restriction. The physician must also list the foods to be omitted from the diet as well as any recommended alternatives.
Please complete the form and submit to your school's food service department as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 412-244-1100 ext 5170
Summer Food Program:
To find any Summer Food Program in or around your area:
Call 211
Call 1.866.3Hungry (1-866-348-6479) or 1.877.8Hambre (1-877-842-6273)
Text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 304-304 during the summer months
Text “SUMMER MEALS” or “VERANO” to 914-342-7744
Use the website:
meals4kids -
Use the sire locator from smartphones -
Medical Plan of Care for School Food Service Form
Fundraising and Smart Snacks
The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 required USDA to establish nutrition standards for all foods sold on school grounds during the school day. On June 28, 2013, USDA released interim regulations that delineate the standards and are referred to as the Smart Snacks in Schools Standards. These standards are available at The standards are effective July 1, 2014.
School fundraisers are included in the standards. The proposed rule requires that each State Agency that has oversight for the School Nutrition Programs (Pennsylvania Department of Education) to determine if schools will be permitted to sell foods (including beverages) as fundraisers that do not meet the Smart Snacks in Schools Standards and, if permitted, establish the number and duration of each fundraiser.
A fundraiser is considered an event that includes an activity which currency/token/tickets, etc. are exchanged for the sale/purchase of a product in support of the school or school-related activities. Examples include: bake sales, candy bar sales, vending machines where profits are used to support a school-sponsored club or activity, such as the school band or sports team.
The PA Department of Education has determined that a maximum of five exempt fundraisers will be permitted in each elementary and middle school building per year, and a maximum of ten exempt fundraisers will be permitted in each high school building per year. Each fundraiser may not exceed one school week. It is important to remember that these exemptions only apply to fundraisers that do not meet the requirements for foods sold in school in the Smart Snack Standards. Non-food fundraisers and food fundraisers that meet the requirements of the Smart Snack Standards do not require an exemption. Exempt fundraisers may not be sold in the food service area during the meal period. Additionally, the Smart Snack Standards only apply to foods sold to students during the school day. Therefore, the Smart Snack Standards are not applicable to fundraisers that take place after the school day from the school's dismissal time until 11:59 PM or for foods not meant for immediate consumption (i.e., fundraisers where a brochure is sent home, such as frozen pizzas, subs/sandwiches).
Wellness Committee:
Mission of the Wellness Committee
The Woodland Hills School District acknowledges the vital connection between students’ growth, development, readiness to learn, physical well-being, and overall wellness, including proper nutrition. The Wellness Committee is dedicated to fostering a school environment that supports student wellness, balanced nutrition, nutrition education and promotion, and regular physical activity as integral components of the learning experience. Within a healthy school setting, students are encouraged to engage in positive dietary and lifestyle habits that enhance their overall achievement.
Members of the Committee
School Board Member: Mrs. Sara Raszewski
School Administrator: Ms. Jill Regan
Representative of the SFA: Mrs. Janelle Kopay, Mrs. Kylene McLean-Blake & Mrs. Megan Pokorny
Physical Education Teacher: Mr. David Kotts
School Health Professional: Mrs. Lori Marvenko
Parent: Dr. Pamela White
Student: Zacharias Barron
Member of the Public: Ms. Cathy Welsh
Please note: Publicly available results of the triennial assessment will be posted once approved by the school board.
Nondiscrimination Statement & Civil Rights
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:
- mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or - fax:
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or - email:
[email protected]
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
CACFP Afterschool Meals