Transportation » Transportation


The school district administration Transportation Department is open between the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and may be reached at 412-731-1300 x5   Email:  [email protected]  See bus garage contacts to call the dispatch for your student's bus.  

The Transportation Department is responsible for planning transportation for the students of the Woodland Hills School District who attend the five district schools or one of the 100 schools that includes public charter schools, non-public schools and special education facilities located within 10 miles of the district borders. Transportation assignments are implemented according to District policies as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Education's guidelines for pupil transportation.

Please be advised that buses may be equipped with audio and video monitoring devices according to School Board Policy 810.1 “The use of video and audio recording equipment supports efforts to maintain discipline and to ensure the safety and security of all students, staff, contractors and others being transported on district-owned, operated, or contracted school buses or school vehicles."

Contact the bus garage if the bus is more than 10 minutes late or for items left on the bus:
E.T.S. - 284 Penn Ave, Turtle Creek, PA 15145 / 412-520-5001
(Bus numbers 8900's)
First Student- 101 Old Frankstown Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15239 / 412-793-9600
(Bus numbers 200's, 400's, and 3900's)
Krise Transportation - 7123 Saltsburg Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15235 / 412-815-2250
(Bus numbers 700's and 800's)
Myers Transportation- 7600 Evans Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218 / 412-723-1922
(Bus numbers 500's and 600's)
Pittsburgh Regional Transit - 623 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 / 412-442-2000
(See Pittsburgh Regional Transit tab on WHSD website for more information)
Sun Coach - 415 Rebecca Street, McKeesport, PA 15132 / 412-664-0911
(Bus numbers vary)
PRT Bus - Pittsburgh Regional Transit Customer Service 412-442-2000   For Trip Tools True Time  PRT bus connect cards will be distributed at your student's school .

If  transportation for a daycare is needed see Daycare Transportation regarding requesting an alternate bus stop. Bus information may be obtained by registering for My Ride K-12 at Data will be released  mid-August. 


To ensure compliance with State regulations governed by Act 372 of the PA School Code,  the Woodland Hills School District requests  parents or guardians to submit a request for service annually  for  student desiring daily transportation or periodic transportation to charter and non-public schools. This procedure is in addition to the student’s school sending enrollment notification forms (Charter Schools) or rosters (Non-Public Schools) verifying enrollment and primary residency in the school district. .

Transportation for students will be provided after the school district receives the required information from the school and the parent or guardian has submitted a transportation request form for each student.  Bus information may be obtained by registering for Travesa'a My Ride K12 .  Data will be released  mid-August.

Woodland Hills School District provides transportation to and from daycare facilities that are within the borders of Woodland Hills School District dependent upon bus seat availability. The nearest school board approved district bus stop will be used for pick up and drop off. The daycare facility is responsible for meeting the bus if necessary. If the facility is within the walking zone to the school attending there will be no transportation provided.  Requests must be submitted annually on the “Request for Alternate Bus Assignment Form”. It may be mailed to the Transportation Office 531 Jones Avenue North Braddock PA 15104 or emailed to [email protected] Daycares can also collect forms from families and submit with their official roster.

Each student is permitted one stop in the morning and one stop in the afternoon. Requests will be denied for different stop locations on separate days of the week. All requests MUST be the same Monday - Friday.  The morning stop may differ from the afternoon stop.

If your child is assigned a PRT bus pass, it will  be  sent to their school for the start of the school year in the beginning of August. Once the pass is in your child's possession it is your child's responsibility. Replacement connect cards are $10.00.  To plan your student's trip to school, go to the Pittsburgh  Regional Transit website.  See  PRT's Plan Your Trip for what to expect on your ride to your destination.

All schools WHSD provides busing for will follow the same delay/cancellation as the district.

If a school you attend, that is serviced by WHSD, has a delay/cancellation, then buses will follow the schedule designated by WHSD.

Student bus transportation is a privilege and convenience that is provided by the Woodland Hills School District to eligible students. This transportation is governed by Section 1361 and 1362 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code. Although we do know that the vast majority of our students are responsible young people, we have a few who do not behave on a bus or at the bus stop. Therefore, this Safety and Conduct Code has been established.[1][2]

When Waiting at a Bus Stop:

  1. Report to the bus stop ten (10) minutes ahead of schedule.
  2. Stand in orderly and safe groups avoiding traffic.
  3. Remain at a safe distance until the bus stops.
  4. Board the bus quickly and carefully. All regular seats may need to accommodate three (3) students.
  5. Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  6. Do not distract the driver.
  7. Keep hands, arms and head inside the windows.
  8. Disembark quickly and carefully and move away from the bus.
  9. If you must cross the street, walk in front of the bus and watch for traffic.

When Boarding:

  1. Students may not bring animals, alcoholic beverages, firearms or any considered weapon or explosives onto the bus.[16]
  2. All foods and beverages must be in a container and are not consumed on the bus. Glass containers must be safely packed and encased in a break-resistant container.
  3. Students may board only the assigned bus. Students will not be permitted to board a later bus either going to school or returning home.
When Riding:
  1. Students must conduct themselves in an acceptable manner at all times. Vulgarity, profanity, fighting or other improper conduct is not permitted.
  2. Students may not block the aisle or emergency door with musical instruments, lunch boxes, books or other possessions.
  3. Students must not extend arms or heads out of windows at any time.
  4. Students must remain seated while the bus is in motion of if the bus is delayed on the road.
  5. Students may not operate the bus door or tamper with the emergency door.
  6. Students may not use the emergency door except in the case of an emergency.
  7. Students may not eat, drink, smoke, or play radios on the bus.[17]
  8. Every student who rides a bus must get on and off at the assigned bus stop. Exceptions will be made only through the assistant principal/principal's office when a written parental request has been made and is signed by the principal or his/her designee and the request verified in writing.
  9. Any student who wishes to ride a bus other than his/her regular school bus must have a written request signed by the assistant principal/principal's office when a written parental request has been made and has been signed by the principal or assistant principal and the request verified in writing.

When Departing:

  1. Students may not depart the bus in the morning before it arrives at the designated school of the student.
  2. Students may not depart the bus in the afternoon except at their designated bus stop.
  3. Students who must cross a street after alighting from the bus shall cross only in front of the bus on the signal by the driver.

Students are subject to suspension per Policy 233 if they are involved in disrupting action jeopardizing the safety and welfare of their fellow students or any infraction of the stated rules of conduct.[18]

All discipline problems will be handled between the school bus driver, the student, the principal, parents/guardians, and when necessary, the Director of Transportation.

Violation of the standards for bus conduct shall be subject to the following penalties:

  1. First Offense: Conference with student and warning letter to parents/guardians. A principal may suspend a student from the bus on the first offense if the first offense is serious in nature.[5]
  2. Second Offense: Suspension of bus riding privileges of one (1) day.[5]
  3. Third Offense: Suspension of bus riding privileges of three (3) days.[5]
  4. Subsequent Offenses: Permanent suspension may occur from school bus riding privileges for the balance of the school year.[5]

Drivers are supplied with bus disciplinary report forms that will be presented to building principals or their designee when specific violations of the bus regulations occur. The school building administration is responsible for discipline on the bus. Parents/Guardians will be afforded a copy of this report and notified of the action taken. Copies of this report will also be submitted to the Director of Transportation.

These regulations apply to all forms of student transportation made available by the district. Activity buses, detention buses and field trips also fall under the guidelines of these regulations.

According to the Pennsylvania Special Education Regulations and Standards, an exceptional student cannot be deprived of his/her appropriate education program without the implementation of procedural safeguards. Therefore, school transportation cannot be withheld without procedural safeguards if it interferes with the student's participation in his/her Individual Education Program.[19]

Special needs transportation is an IEP team decision and, if necessary, will be included in the related services of the student's IEP. 

Students should be ready to board the vehicle ten minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time and be at the curb when it arrives ready to board. Waiting inside the house delays the bus and may cause it to arrive at the school after the bell and breakfast service.

The vehicle is not required to honk or call prior to arrival at the curb stop nor stay in excess of three minutes.  Please be prepared waiting at the curb and ready to board the vehicle upon arrival. 

The Woodland Hills student motto is to be  Prompt, Prepared, Productive, Polite, and Proud. Practice this each morning. The bus will remain on schedule. It will arrive at the school on time providing students with enough time for their breakfast and to say hello to their friends.

All transportation carrier employees are required to meet the Department of Transportation requirements relating to commercial driver physical examinations. DOT physical cards are required to be kept with the drivers at all times when operating a transportation vehicle for the Woodland Hills School District.[11]

All transportation carrier employees are required to have their Act 34, Act 151 and FBI clearances on file with the district prior to their first day of work.[12][13][14]

Transportation routes may be established with the advice and approval of the Board. Bus drivers shall not deviate from the established bus route except for hazardous driving conditions or upon written consent by the Board.[5]

Students shall be taken on and discharged from the school bus only at the designated stops. All stops should be made where the bus can be easily seen. The driver shall give proper signals when slowing and stopping the bus. The driver shall keep the bus stopped until all students are across the highway and safely on the other side after being discharged. The driver will not proceed until all students are seated.

Each student shall be assigned to a bus. Persons other than a school student, employee or official shall not ride in a school bus on a regular route.[15]

 The bus driver shall not leave the bus while the motor is running.

 Bus doors shall be closed while the bus is in motion.

 Bus doors shall be opened at railroad crossings.

 Bus drivers are not required to stop and wait at bus stops with no students present. Be at the bus stop--not in a car or on a porch.

The bus driver shall not drive the bus backward on school grounds without the direction of a person on the ground.

Advertising shall not be displayed on the school bus.

No student is permitted to ride any bus other than the one regularly scheduled, unless the driver receives a signed note from the principal or his/her designee. The principal must have a signed note from the custodial parent/guardian, and verify the request by a telephone call.

Parents or guardians should refrain from requesting special services from a bus driver including changing bus stop locations including picking up or dropping off in front of the house.  Curb to curb stops are for special needs students only and included in their IEPs.

Kindergarten students will not be dropped off at a stop without a parent, guardian, or appropriate designee to meet them.  If no one is at the stop the driver will alert their dispatch who will try to make contact with the family.  If there are other children on board the bus, it will continue its run until someone has been contacted.  The bus will then return to the stop. 

The Transportation Director shall be notified of any overloading of school buses.

To access your student's bus information register on the portal from your mobile phone or computer.  This is a secure site where your student's bus stop, bus number, pick up and drop off times are available.   Registration is available at The bus information will be released to the student's records when routing is complete approximately one week before the start of school.

Once registered, you can check the status of your student's bus by using the MyRideK12 app.



 Parent App Announcement

This spring, the Ride 360 app that Woodland Hills School District uses to provide our families with student transportation information will be retired, and an updated app will now be available to all users. This new app, My Ride K-12, can be downloaded starting in February 2024 in the Apple and Android app stores. You will need to download the new app to access updated transportation information for your student(s). Usernames and passwords from Ride 360 will carry over into My Ride K-12. Additionally, you can use your existing log-in information to access a web version of My Ride K-12 at Links to the new app are below for your convenience. This new app provides the same powerful functionality you use today but is built using more modern technology. This change will allow us to provide new features and updates more quickly, ensuring the app continues to meet your needs. All app users will need to download the new app before the Ride 360 app is retired on May 1, 2024.

Apple Store (iOS):

Google Play (Android)